Hello L!ve members. I'am Czerwo (Miley), from Poland, I will complete seventeen in this march of this year. I judge, that you know me and you do not allude far too well right. I have proceeded here in order to ask about enclosure to clan, I know that there is impossible, but I want to repair errors it, but if necessary honor have to be in so fine clan as L!ve. I know that I have committed mass of error for germans concerning carry and not only, but there was in past, and I would like to ask pardon. You are whom it for germans for it so repair mums great estimate, you build that nation, empire, and I judge, that you are fine people in life too. Please lets forget about constant it, and don't look as one silly child on I, does not have that about life notion, because I'am not, but surely I was. At least treat me as mate, but not enemy, I not must get to L!ve, it depends on only me it, in order to refer peace, but coming for L!ve, could approximate we as the most. Please thinking about that
Greets, Czerwo
Greets, Czerwo